Bamberg - 46 years

On this date November 22, in the year of 1975, Kevin and Theresa were joined in Holy Matrimony.  Where was the person who needed to speak up on why this marriage should not have taken place?  Just say NO!

The morning started as any other day on board the ship.  Spit into a test tube as the first thing you do.  Do Not brush your teeth, Do Not drink any fluids.  Put the test tube in a marked envelope and seal it.  These envelopes were then to be delivered to the front desk at the time indicated on the envelope, this was usually by 7 or at the latest 8 am.

The oldy-weds awoke by 6:30 am and wished each other happy anniversary.  Theresa’s Happy Anniversary was very nasal as she now has the Budapest crud thanks to Kevin.

The days included excursion would be a short bus ride towards the town center.  From the drop off site the guests marched towards the heart of Bamberg.  This little village was along a fast-flowing river.  The river was vital to early centuries of trade and industry.  One of the industries that was formed along the river was a slaughter house.  The cattle would arrive on boats to then be butchered in the slaughter house.  With the slaughter house (identified by the statue of an ox over the door) was strategically placed along and over the river. This allowed any of the none eatable components of the process to be dropped through the floor of the butcher house into the flowing river.  The river also served the locals as a water supply for drink water as well as bathing and laundry.

Today the village has a large University population, nearly 30% of the residents are students in one of the many colleges offered in the area.  College in Germany is free even for non-residence students from other countries.  Germany like many of the European Nations invest heavily in infrastructure and the fine arts.  From this prospective they are far ahead of the USA and yet have a history that is ancient in comparison to that of America.

As the guest toured the area Kevin noticed that the rapidly flowing river had a Kayak training run.  The community was also known for its many local Breweries.  Back in the earlier centuries Beer was consumed rather than the contaminated water from the river.  Even babies were provided Beer.  The alcohol level in those days was only 2 to 3%.  Today Beer can be consumed by residents as young as 16.  The Beer from this area must adhere to the Purity Test.  The Purity test dictates that beer can only have 3 ingredients.  Those are Water, Hops, and Barley.  To help increase the alcohol level most Breweries are situated next to a local Bakery.  This allows yeast in the air from the Bakery to find its way into the batch of Beer as it is brewing.

The tour continued as it headed upward towards the cathedral at the top.  The wind made the cold temps chill cut to the bones as we walked into a very open plaza where the guide gave a long history of the church and political background of the structure.  Thankfully the group proceeded to a more protected courtyard where that was a mostly unused residential areas with flower draped balconies.  The guide noted that the movie The Three Musketeers was filmed in this location.

On and into the Cathedral to see a very different décor of stone and not so much gold and paintings. The organ was impressive and the stories of the King and Queen who where buried there were like a romance novel. 

They broke the mold of King and Queen because they shard the duties of running the Kingdom.  Prior to the Kings death he decreed the the Queen would be laid to the right side of the tomb the site normally reserved for the King, he would lay next to her.  More info here

As a side note, one of the entrances had sculptures depicting Adam & Eve with something wrong...  they had belly buttons.  A subtle sense of humor from the artist (or maybe a political statement) .... 

The tour ended in the rose garden that over looked the red roof tops of the town.  Some sagged due to the centuries they have endured.  Much like Kevin and Theresa who also sag due to what they have endured.

See more pictures of the town tour here.

In an effort to stay warm, Kevin and Theresa walked the market area which encompassed several blocks in all directions.  Despite the Christmas markets being closed the local shops were busy putting up Xmas trees and lights as their spirit of the season would not be dampened by Covid Grinch.

At the meeting time and location we joined the rest of the group to mossy back to the busses for a short ride back to the boat.

Dinner was a lovely soup followed by flounder.  

The crew even brought us a special anniversary cake and sang for us!

What a great way to celebrate!


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